Trump Just Claimed He Is “The Only One That Matters” In Fox News Interview (WATCH)!

In a Fox News interview with Laura Ingraham, when pressed about vacancies in key positions at the State Department, the President put to rest any doubts about the sole position in his administration that he considers important.

Ingraham’s question came amid fears that, because his State Department does not have many Trump nominees, there wouldn’t be enough people “to push [his] vision through.”

“Other State Departments, including Reagan’s at times, undermined his agenda and there’s a concern that the State Department is undermining your agenda,” Ingraham warned.
“Let me tell you, the one that matters is me, I’m the only one that matters because when it comes to it that’s what’s the policy is going to be,” Trump replied.
Trump is far behind his predecessors in terms of political appointments. By this point in former President Barack Obama’s presidency, he had already had confirmed 365 appointments; Trump has had 177 confirmed. There are still over 250 key positions out of 608 for which Trump has failed to name a nominee.
Trump’s slow progress, however, may very well be intentional, per Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s goal of reducing the State Department budget by 30 percent. Many positions are expected to remain unfilled permanently.
Trump’s narcissism may know no bounds, but our government’s system of checks and balances is fully equipped to deal with a man whose authoritarian leanings should strike fear in the hearts of those who value our democracy.
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